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29-01-2021 18:00
Great results on the long-distance race Munich 2020 for Paul McBurnie, Denmark
Paul McBurnie was born in Padstow Cornwall, England and emigrated to Denmark after he found the love of his life and married Pia.
Last weekend (16.08) Paul McBurnie won the 1. nat. Munich, 756 km, 1067m/min, in Denmark.
But not even this. He basketed 14 pigeons for this final long distance race of the season. His results on this hard race was spectacular. 12 pigeons arrived at the first day. 5 of them at Paul's loft.
Next to the 1st nat., he could also win 3rd nat., 12th nat., 18th nat., 19th nat., as well as 27., 49., 60., 64., 86. nat. All 14 pigeons arrived at home / 13 during the prize time, in total around 60% was lost.
But it was not the only race during the season his pigeons showed great results. Already a day before the racing situation was very hard. But Paul's pigeons won 3rd, 8th and 9th from Göttingen, 400km (4 basketed/ 4 at home).
Because Paul build a new loft in the beginning of the season and the Covid-19 pandemic he didn't race the first long-distance and national races. In total he participated at 3 long-distance races (Munich, Gießen, Baden Baden), and became section/region winner in all of them.
So in this season Paul has
1st nat. Ace-bird marathon (070-18-1256 [DV08857-11-272 x DV08857-15-118])
2nd nat. Ace-bird marathon (070-18-1233 [DV01032-14-477 x DV01032-17-335])
2nd Ace-bird long-distance (070-18-1204 [DV08857-11-272 x DV08857-15-118])
4th Ace-bird long-distance (070-18-1230 [DV08857-14-1203 x DV08857-16-624])
7th Ace-bird long-distance hens (070-18-1236 [DV08857-13-1227 x DV08857-16-627])
2nd Danish championship marathon
He won a/o
1st nat. Munich, 710km (070-18-1246 [DV08857-13-1151 x DV08857-10-181)])
3rd nat. Munich, 710km; 4th nat. Baden Baden 685km, 1086m/min (070-18-1256 [DV08857-11-272 x DV08857-15-118])
5th nat. Gießen, 510km, 1280m/min (070-18-1227 [DV06001-11-438 x DV08857-15-126])
Paul stopped with pigeons in 2015 because of time famine and health issues. After Jupid (J. und S. Jung, Germany) won 1st prize in the final race at Dapi OLR 2017, Denmark, where Paul was loft manager, he visited the loft of Jupid and was stunned by the quality. Because he had to started from the scratch, Jürgen and Sarah arranged 12 pairs, from which Paul could breed for 2 years. In 2019 Paul became 2nd in the yearlings championship, after winning a/o 3 times 1st in the section.
Paul say: “It's nearly impossible to lose these Jupid pigeons from hard races. That's when they show their quality.”
This year in Denmark they have had a lot of hard races with low returns, but Paul's pigeons keep coming home (in the total season he only lost 4 pigeons at all).
For example the sports race (week 26 – every fancier just can send 4 pigeons) and parallel the open race from Bremen. It was a very hard race and a lot of pigeons where lost that weekend.
Sports race 66 pigeons basketed in section. 17 returns. Paul won 4th, 8th, 13th and 17th
Open race 5800 pigeons basketed from whole Denmark. In total around 1600 arrived home. Paul got 4/5 with the 12th fastest from whole Denmark.
Paul uses the quality pigeon food from Beyers and feeds very heavy up to long, -distance and national races. He also uses the whole product range from pigeon health performance.
During the season, he trains the pigeons every week from 50km. They will be released at about 20.30 in the evening. Paul races the total widowhood system. His day starts, when he lets the hens out at 5 o'clock in the morning. Around two hours later, when the hens comes back, the cocks could start their training, which takes around 1+ hours, depending if the rooming from the loft. Paul likes it to see the pigeons disappear completely when he lets them out, because this is only possible if the pigeons are in a good condition and healthy.
“But even my results was great in this year I will not rest on my laurels. There is always something you can do better. And I will. Hopefully I can show this in the next season with my results again.”